Detayları ile anlattığım videonun LINK. Bununla birlikte kodun da LINK
Kodun örnek yansısı
from binance import Client binance_cli = Client(API_KEY, API_SECRET) tickers = binance_cli.get_exchange_info() tickers = [a["symbol"] for a in tickers["symbols"]] usdtPairs = [] btcPairs = [] exclude = ["DOWN", "UP", "BULL", "BEAR", "YEN", "TRY", "EURO", "EUR", "TUSD", "BUSD", "USDC", "USDS"] for ticker in tickers: if ticker.endswith("USDT") and all(element not in ticker for element in exclude): usdtPairs.append(ticker) elif ticker.endswith("BTC"): btcPairs.append(ticker) usdtPairs import pandas as pd """ [ 1499040000000, # Open time "0.01634790", # Open "0.80000000", # High "0.01575800", # Low "0.01577100", # Close "148976.11427815", # Volume 1499644799999, # Close time "2434.19055334", # Quote asset volume 308, # Number of trades "1756.87402397", # Taker buy base asset volume "28.46694368", # Taker buy quote asset volume "17928899.62484339" # Can be ignored ] """ binance_cli.get_klines(symbol = "BTCUSDT" , interval = '4h', limit = 10 ) def getData(symbol ,interval = "4h", limit = 10): subFrame = pd.DataFrame(binance_cli.get_klines(symbol = symbol , interval = interval, limit = limit )) subFrame = subFrame.iloc[:, :6] subFrame.columns = ["Time", "Open", "High", "Low", "Close", "Volume"] subFrame = subFrame.set_index("Time") subFrame.index = pd.to_datetime(subFrame.index, unit="ms") subFrame = subFrame.astype(float) return subFrame arr = [] for pair in usdtPairs[0:50]: df = getData(pair) print("Getting Klines for", pair) arr.append(getData(pair)) dict(zip(usdtPairs[0:50], arr)) df = pd.concat(dict(zip(usdtPairs[0:20], arr)), axis=1) closedf = df.loc[:, df.columns.get_level_values(1).isin(["Close"])] closedf.columns = closedf.columns.droplevel(1) closedf = closedf[closedf.iloc[-1].dropna().index].dropna() closedf import numpy as np """# Log return formula log(percentage change + 1) -> (log is a natural logarithm) OR log(final element / initial element) -> (log is a natural logarithm) ## Cumulative Return exp(sum(all log returns)) - 1 """ example = pd.Series(np.random.randint(1,5,5)) example.pct_change() print(np.log(example.pct_change()[2] + 1), np.log(example[2] / example[1]), np.exp(sum(np.log(example.pct_change()[1::] + 1))) - 1) np.expm1(sum(np.log(example.pct_change()[1::] + 1))) log_df = np.log(closedf.pct_change() + 1) log_df.drop(closedf.index[0], inplace=True) log_df log_df.corr() import as px corr = log_df.corr() fig = px.imshow(corr, color_continuous_scale=px.colors.sequential.Viridis_r) fig.update_layout(title="Correlation heatmap", height=1000, width=1000, xaxis_nticks=len(corr), yaxis_nticks=len(corr), )